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Supplier: Lamptron
Price: LamptronReviewed: Feb 13, 2008

Lamptron Clear 7-LED Puk
Author: faceless105 -- Posted: 2008-02-13

One great area to talk about when doing anything related to modding is lighting. There are a number of ways to light a case, so you can get some pretty specific styles if you know what you're doing. Today I'll be reviewing the 7-Spread ClearPuk by Lamptron.

This is a very nice and very compact design and will fit just about anywhere. I've used similar devices in the past but until now the most LEDs I'd ever seen on a single device was just three. Like most lights out there install is very simple, it connects with a 4-pin molex connector. If you want to give it a perfect position I'd recommend double sided foam tape as that seems to take a better hold of most objects.

Now as you can see from the shot above this is an incredibly bright set of LEDs which is great since not all LED devices give you such a high level of brightness or even a good spread on the light. Generally LEDs are used to light a specific place in a case because they usually have a small focused area of light, but with the enclosure over these LEDs, they have a very wide lighting area and it would probably only take two of these to completely light any case out there.

Since these LEDs are able to light such a large area, they are an excellent alternative to using cathode lights. Cothodes have a much shorter lifespan, and generate much more heat. Additionally, LEDs are much tougher then Cathode Lights and will always be able to survive a fall if dropped.

Some of the Pros...
* Super Small Dimensions to be mounted anywhere
* Low heat output
* 200,000 hour life (22 years)
* Waterproof
* Shockproof
* Very easy to install

Some of the Cons...
* none

Even after trying I can't find any cons with this product. The heat output is minimal and the brightness and lighting angles are great.

I'd like to thank Lamptron for giving me the opportunity to review their 7-Spread ClearPuk. It has a very convenient small design and great lighting. Additioanlly while we only showed you the green LEDs, this is available in more then 10 different colors, dual colors, tri colors, and even in a flashing design. This is a great solution for anyone looking to light their case or just highlight key components in the case.

If anyone has any questions or comments, I'd love to hear them :)
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